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Running training exercises

One of the most popular get fit activities, running develops tremendous cardio-vascular benefits as well as burning calories and muscle toning. The great thing about running is that all you need is a pair of trainers or running shoes and somewhere to run.

If you are new to running there are classes in how to run safely and effectively. A common mistake new runners make is to push too hard and end up injuring themselves. It's strongly advised that when you start to run you take it easy until your legs and ligaments build up the strength to carry your weight.

Naturally, there are lots of types of activities, from a simple get fit jog to competitive racing. Races can be over different lengths from short, sprints to long distance. Both require different types of strengths and stamina, so it's worth finding what style suits your body.

As with all sports activities, there's a huge range of available accessories such as tops and leggings, but unarguably the single most important accessory is the actual shoe itself. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is that the shoe is right for you. If you wear ill-fitting shoes, or shoes that do not have the ability to absorb shock, then you run the risk of injuring yourself. Fortunately, there are many kinds of specialist shops that will advise you on the best shoe for your unique movement style.

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