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Exercise for more energy

In effort to gain more energy, don't forget about exercise. When you exercise on a daily basis, your body releases a substance called endorphins throughout the body, which help to improve your energy levels and put you in a better mood.

The best type of exercise for increasing energy levels is often something that gets your heart working harder. Such examples would be intense cardiovascular activities such as running, kickboxing, or cycling, or else hard weight lifting.

Both will send a surge of adrenaline throughout the body, helping to 'wake' you up, so-to-speak, and give you plenty of energy for hours afterwards.

The other variations you may want to perform are those geared towards stress relief. Stress is a huge zapper of energy and when levels are high, you are, without a doubt, going to be feeling it. Activities to try that will help to take care of this problem include yoga, pilates, stretching, and deep breathing.

All of these can be done at the end of a tiring workday to help give you more energy for your evening hours.

Keep in mind that if you are just getting into physical activity, you may feel more tired at first and not want to continue. Try and keep going though because after two weeks or so of being physically active, you will notice the benefits start to kick in.

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