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Snowshoeing information & advice

Want to get ready for the snowshoeing season? The number one demand is going to be on your cardio system. That means that the best way to get ready for the snowshoeing season is to keep up some regular aerobic activity throughout the year.

The best choices are hiking, cycling, swimming, running, and so on, with those weight bearing activities that emphasize leg endurance (e.g. running, hiking) being the best choices.

While a normal prescription for aerobic fitness is a minimum of three, twenty minute sessions per week, this would be poor preparation for the demands of snowshoeing, particularly if your typical session is far longer than that.

What that means is that the closer you can come to mimicking the expected intensity, duration, terrain, and altitude of your winter outings, the more effective your training will be.

You can also prepare for the variables of the sport as follows:

  • To prepare for the resistance of soft snow, run or hike on softer surfaces such as trails and sand - this will also improve your balance and agility
  • To prepare for the terrain you are likely to encounter, do some hill training
  • To prepare for the weight of the snow shoes, wear heavy training shoes or backpacking boots
If you plan your training properly, you could even be in better shape at the start of the new season than you were at the end of the last one!

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